Thursday, April 30, 2015

101 Things About Me

1. i dont drink 2. my favourite Youtube channels are Vanoss and Robbaz 3. i've had multiplesolo art shows 4. i enjoy art 5. i hate talking about politics and voting 6. i would like to move to Norway or Sweden, or Burma 7.ancient life is interesting to me 8. intemology is a thing that i like 9. birds and fish are my favourite animals 10. i have never been skiing 11. i dont like rednecks 12. i hate big trucks 13. i try to stay environment friendly 14. i do not like guns 15. my faourite types of music are Seapunk and Vaporwave 16. i am ready to graduate 17. i make comissioned art 18. i currently have a show at Panera 19. i don't like hanging out with people 20. i enjoy being by myself 21. i don't have a best friend 22. most populr music is bad but i still listen to it. 23. i admin a popular facebook page with over 60,000 likes- Hte Spaghetti 24. i enjoy ironic memes 25. i play guitar 26. i don't watch alot of movies 27. i wish i didn't live in Missouri 30. i enjoy Quantum Physics 31. i plan on becoming Bahai 32. i am Currently Catholic 33. i am going to Missouri State 34. my dad is black 35. my mom is white 36. i hve two brothers 37. i have two dogs, A German Sheperd and A Yorkie 38. i get along with old people 39. i want to live by myself 40. i don't think i want to gt married 41. i hate when people ask me bout gay rights and feminism. 42. i like to help fundraisers to protect endangered species 43. i hve never been to jail 44. i cant play the piano 45. i don't like highshool 46. my brother is a freshman 47. i hate kids who think drugs are cool 48. i like apple computers 49. I graduate on My 8th 50. I am currently i Broadcast 51. i have only been camping twice 52. i used to be fat in middle school 53. i am ready to be done with School 54. I have a pet Python 55. I also have a pet bird 56. one of m pet birds flew away 57. i had a pet tarantula 58. i left the tarntula in the sun and it died 59. i have had multiple venus fly traps 60. Venus fly traps die because they're hard to take car of. 61. white is my favourite midtone 62. i enjoy aesthetic art 63. i think windows 95 is realy Aesthetic 64. since it's the end of the year, i don't mind admitting that sometimes i leave third block to move my car into Staff Parking 65. i usd to like rock music 66. i don't like the rock style now. 67. i hate 80s music 68. my favourite school subject is art 69. i barely remember recess 70. i liked Blues Clues when iwas little 71. i don't like very many girls 72. i don't like my writing open to the public 73.i don' mind givimng speeched 74. i had no idea there was a matinee today 75. I wish I lived in either Maryland or Montana. Or Arizona 76. Creative Writing is a pretty okay class 77. I like exploring Nature 78. i like to woodwork 79. somtimes I say lol in real life 80. Q-Tip is My favourite Rapper 81. i love the Abstract An The Dragon album 82. I noticed that the there is alot of weird Freshman 83. i've swallowed every piece of gum i've had ince i was 5 84. writing isn't that bad 85. i can type really fast 86. i like photography 87. i took a class on Pinhole Photogrphy 88. i made a darkroom in my houe 89. i also have my own art studio 90. alot of people get on my nerves 91. it is harder to write than to read 92. H20 Delirious is funny 93. i've about clocked out for the year 94. i like patterned clothing 95. i carry alot of things into school in the moring 96. i dont really care about money 97. i like to collectrocks 98. i also like to collect insects 99. Ally acts ike my mom in class 100. I know how to run Photoshop 101. i finally got around o writing 101 things about me.

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