- List/discuss several of the different pieces of writing you’ve done this quarter, including posts, comments, creative pieces, journals, in-class writings, and things you’ve written on your own.
This Is...
~this is one of my favourite pieces that i've written mainly because i love this picture. i think it just has a deep meaning, and i really enjoy the colours in the work.
Swirling leaves veering north and now toward a tornado finding a pleasant upside.
~this was one of my best poems because it was pretty much constructed for me in a book. all i had to do was choose certain words and black them out.
It was a quiet white morning
The mountain was ash gray
I had a pocket full of white sand
And a cut crystal in my hand
the sun was like silver celesta
The Japanese windflowers were blowing
as I grabbed the jewelers lavender gem
~this was also a memeorable piece i had, because i enjoy the colour gray, and this one gives alot of information to invision.
2.Name/discuss a couple of pieces you’ve read this quarter, including other classmates’ work and/or reading you’ve done in or out of class.
3. Write about setting up your blog and what you have gotten from that experience. How did you come up with the name for your blog? Who do you think read it or who would you want to read it? Will you continue to use it on your own in the future? What kinds of things will you post?
~I did not really enjoy setting up a blog, mainly because I don't like other people looking at my writing. i'd really much rather keep it to myself, than share it. The name of my blog is just my name, because i didn't know of an actual good name to give it. i think only people in this class read it, and i don't think anybody else would actually want to read it. i probably wouldn't use in in the future, but if i did, i would use it for photography.
4. Write about journaling. What kinds of things are in your journal? Who would you want to read it? Will you continue to journal? What will you write about?
~all that's in my journal are assignments from class, and poems about all the topics that we've been over. i would rather nobody read it, because my journaling isn't great, and i'm not very good at writing at all. i don't think i will continue to journal, although i may just use it as a sketch book for the rare times that I sketch.
5. Type an entry directly from your journal that you consider notable. It could be a paragraph or a page or so. You don’t have to explain it, but you could.
It was a quiet white morning
The mountain was ash gray
I had a pocket full of white sand
And a cut crystal in my hand
the sun was like silver celesta
The Japanese windflowers were blowing
as I grabbed the jewelers lavender gem
It was a quiet white morning
The mountain was ash gray
I had a pocket full of white sand
And a cut crystal in my hand
the sun was like silver celesta
The Japanese windflowers were blowing
as I grabbed the jewelers lavender gem
6. Type or copy/paste a passage or section directly from one of your pieces of writing that you consider notable or your favorite that you’ve written. It could be a section or a page or so.
~caged bird
I don’t know why trees are still
Never moving without the wind’s voice
Always peaceful
Accepting whatever happens
Stands tall in the warm sun
Wilts in the cold snow
Witnesses everything, but is always quiet
I don’t know why it doesn’t talk
Or it doesn’t walk
It just stand still
7. What creative writing do you plan to do in the future, if any? What do you get out of writing creatively? How does this differ from the other writing you do, in school and in life?
~I don't really plan on soing any creative writing in the future, but if i were to, it would probably mainly be about art work. This class did help me to realize that there is a much different type of writing that most that you do in school, and that it really is possible to make a career out of writing. Creative writing has to come to you, and isn't just something you observe. I am not one of the people it comes to.
8. Some final words of encouragement, appreciation, inspiration, etc. for your fellow writers you’ve worked with this quarter...
~ it doesn't really matter what you want to do in life, or how you do it. Just be the best at whatever you do.
9. Feel free to post any other writing you’d like to at this time.
this is art questioning itself like it has a life of its own forced to wonder this is its face stuck in this space purple and blue surrounding it against its white face there is her daughter in another world yet in the same composing a family of art and its grace this is art as it exists
Thanks, Christian! I know you'll live a creative and artistic life and I look forward to seeing where it all takes you. My best wishes for happiness, success, and peace. Take care.