Friday, February 27, 2015

famous first and last quotes (stalker)

Most really pretty girls have really ugly feet, and so does Mindy Metalman, Lenore notices, all of a sudden. she was waiting out in front of the police station for the bus to arrive, dressed in a black leather coat, and skin tight jeans. it was about 3 in the afternoon, and it had been storming all day long, and we were both soaking wet. When the bus pulled up slowly, stopped, and opened it's doors, she walked up the steps into the bus, I had to make a decision fast. I decided to follow her. I quickly walked across the street, through the rain, and stepped onto the bus, making sure to stay out of her sight. she sat down on the right side of the bus, third row from the front. I sat on the same side, four rows behind her. I couldn't help but to just stare at her. she was so beautiful. with her long, dark brown hair, flowing down her shoulders, her green eyes, and her light skin. I would do anything Ito let her know that I exist. I remember the first day I saw her. Picking up her sister's children from school. that day, I followed her red SUV to her apartment, 5069 west Kawyati blvd. It's so amazing that I know so much about her, and yet she knows nothing of my existence.
    Here we were pulling up to the bus stop right across the street from her house. she slowly got up out of her seat, and walked off the bus. I followed her. across the street, she went, walking towards her house, not knowing that I was only feet behind. I don't know what I was thinking. for a few moments, I forgot that I didn't know her. as she opened her, and walked in, I followed her. when she saw me walk into her house, she became utterly terrified. a look filled her face that I had never witnessed before on a person. I was so surprised, I swung my fist unknowingly, and hit hr right in the left temple. I was a complete accident, but it was unforgiving. I had knocked her out. she layed sprawled across the floor.

the next few hours were dark as if demons took me over. I don't know what I was thinking. I just wanted to know every part of her, know her so bad. her anatomy was so beautiful. I don't know why I did it, but I had to keep her. I wrapped her up in a black bag, and left her in my dark room. I exited the room. I don't know why I did it, but it was done. I heard the ring of steel against steel as the door slammed shut.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Swirling leaves veering north and now toward a tornado finding a pleasant upside.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

1. Most pretty girls have pretty ugly feet, and so does Mindy Metalman, Lenore Notices, all of a sudden.
2.Davin Foster Wallace (February 21, 1962 – September 12, 2008)
3.was an author of short stories and essays, and a professor of English and creative writing. the broom of the system is about a 24 year old telephone switch operator who questions her own reality.
4. this does sound like a book I would like to read, because I like reading about psychology, and how.Broomofthesystem.jpg

Thursday, February 12, 2015

''I definitely move to the beat of my own drummer and man, he's not playing something anyone has heard before. It's pretty cool, though. Pretty cool.''

quotes description

''I definitely move to the beat of my own drummer and man, he's not playing something anyone has heard before. It's pretty cool, though. Pretty cool.''
this is one of my favorite quotes because it shows that he is unique, and wants to be his own person. so many people try to be somebody that they're not, instead of embrace the person that they are.

Monday, February 9, 2015

caged bird

I don’t know why trees are still

Never moving without the wind’s voice

Always peaceful

Accepting whatever happens

Stands tall in the warm sun

Wilts in the cold snow

Witnesses everything, but is always quiet

I don’t know why it doesn’t talk

Or it doesn’t walk

It just stand still


Maya Angelou Writer's Dreaming

Writer’s Dreaming Maya Angelou

 5. I think that I would be able to go five years without talking if I had to. I consider myself a person who talks less, and I enjoy listening to people more than I like to talk. You could definitely grow more as a person by doing this, because it would help you to become more caring for people, and pay more attention to their problems.

4. I think that dreams can tell the truth about a person. They allow you to think deeply on your own, and face problems without worrying about anything else throughout the day. It lets a person connect within their self to realize who they are. Dreams are a down time for the day, and keep you clear of anything you have bottled up.

10. Easy reading is hard writing. It takes a lot of work for somebody to be that creative when it comes to making up a world, people, and a story people will be interested in. the hardest thing about writing to me Is knowing where to start. Once I get a good beginning, the rest of the story is the easy part. Writing to me is not hard work, it’s the process behind it.

6. I would like to know how to speak more languages than English. I wish I knew how to speak every language in the world, but if I were just to choose one, I would choose Chinese since it is the most widely used language in the world. I think that everybody should know more than one language, in order to close some cultural gaps in the world. I, myself try to learn as many languages as possible.

3. I do think that talking about bad dreams, or bad things in general, does give them too much power, because talking about them makes you think about them, and if you think about them too much, it can anger you. If it angers you, you have given that bad thing too much power, and it alters how you act. When I think about something from the past too much that has made me mad, I start to get mad again, over something that doesn’t matter anymore.



Friday, February 6, 2015

if i were in charge of the world

If I were in charge of the world, I would cancel terror and fear, and also everything harmful.

If I were in charge of the world,

There’d be free homes,

No money,

And food for everyone.

If I were in charge of the world,

You wouldn’t have killers

You wouldn’t have prisons,

You wouldn’t have violence,

If I were in charge of the world,

 All animals would be healthy and happy,

A person who sometimes forgot to be nice, or forgot to care, would still be in charge of the world.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

You Must Say I'm A Dreamer

...a recurring dream you have A Recurring dream I have is one where I’m sitting in a short grassy field at dusk looking at a tall rocky water fall, next to a pine forest with fire flies, and stars. ...the worst dream you've ever had The worst dream I’ve ever had is from when I was little, I would dream of dead animals hanging on wire, and I would have to fly, and sneak away from their ghosts while wolves chased me. ...the best dream you've ever had (PG-13 or tamer :) ) The best dream I’ve ever had is from a lucid dream when I was little, where I could fly around and do whatever I wanted to. I flew around a forest, my house, a gas station, and school. I had to stop a skull from killing pets and people, but never did. ...what you think causes dreams I think everything you subconsciously think about throughout the day causes dreams. ...books you've read about dreams or dreaming I have never read many books on dreaming ...if you think dreams are symbolic or have deeper meaning I think that dreams are meant to help deal with stress ...what you found in the dream interpretation books ...if you think astratravel or lucid dreaming is possible I think astratravel and lucid dreaming are both possible, as long as you have enough dedication, and practice. ...your daydreams or your dream day chart Usually when I daydream, I daydream of traveling, and exploring new parts of the world. ...your dreams for your future In the future, I hope to be able to travel the world, and most of Asia. ...if you dream of being a professional writer I do not wish to become a professional writer, or to have to write much for a living. ...something else connected to dreams?


A Miniature Whale Jumped out of a fish Tank. Then many others followed it. I realized that this place held creatures like no other, and that everything here was beyond imagination. I didn’t know what to make of any of this. There was so much I wanted to tell the people back home, but there was no way I could. If I left the island, it would be gone forever, and erased in time. I would never be able to leave, and there is no other communication with the outside world. I don’t even care that I might not see a person ever again. The wildlife here is just way too captivating to leave. Even the atmosphere is different here too. Everything here has vibrant colours, and it’s as if the colours have life of their own. The colours on the animals have their own shapes and smells, aside from the actual animal’s. The reds are composed of cubes, and are metallic and hard, while the blues are soft, round, and  almost physically transparent. It’s as if I am in a different dimension. The senses that you experience here are like no others anyone has ever felt before.